Wheels And Bearings


Whether indoors or out, I use 80MM 85A wheels on full rocker frames for rink /freestyle skating, and even some distance skating.
I also use 90MM 85A wheels on Endless frames for street/distance skating.

I also use 76x80x80x76MM wheels on flat frames for a full rocker setup

I have done a lot of research on bearings, their quality, life expectancy, etc., and learned that buying simple Bones Reds, and taking care of them, is all I need to do. I have several sets of them that are ready to be cleaned, (with acetone or alcohol) and sets ready to go. Taking care of my bearings has saved me a small fortune.

A couple of drops of oil after cleaning
Cleaned and ready to go

My Top 5 Inline Skating YouTube Channels

After about a year of just getting back into skating, I found myself watching a ton of YouTube inline skating videos. I watched a lot.

These guys have influenced me the most, and opened up many doors for me.
The high video production quality, combined with the unique and entertaining style of each and every one of these guys, not to mention the wealth of information they provide, be it about skates and reviews, skating styles, or just plain tearing it up, will inspire any skater who seeks the next level.
Thanks SO much to each and every one of you, who inspired me as much as you have, and for all you have done, and continue to do for this sport.

Tiago Inline Skater
Deez Skates
Bill Stoppard Skating BSS
Flow Skate (with Alex and Shaun)
Ricardo Lino